Saturday, June 30, 2012

Update from Bob

Hey Julie!  How are you??  We haven't heard from you for a while.  How was the bike trip??  Di your butt survive??  I bet it's ssssssoooooorrrrrrreeeeeeeee.  All is well here at Bob.  They did al to at the house this week.  Let's see, they poured the driveway and front porch, framed the basement exercise room, built and installed the main staircase, installed the windows in the hearth room, patio door and the FRONT Door!  Electricians kept working and the HVAC man did a little bit too.  It's coming along nicely.  Can't wait to see you in a week!  Do you want to Skype any on Sunday??  Here are some new pictures.

Love you, Daddy

Friday, June 22, 2012


There is a huge update with the book. I've gotten one response back from the four publishing companies I sent the manuscript to.

The results are in...

From Publish America...


Publish America has accepted my manuscript!! If I choose them I will receive an 8% royalty every time someone buys my book! After 500 copies, it'll increase to 12%, then after another 1,500 copies, it increases to 25%, then after 5,000 copies sold I'll receive 50% of every purchase after that.

Still waiting to hear what the other three will have to offer (if anything) but at least I know I've made the transition from writer to author!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Finally a new post! Short and Sweet

Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while so I just wanted to check in and see how everything is going at Bob! Things are good here in Vienna! We have been busy with visiting people and seeing sights and hanging out and such! I will try to post a long one in the next couple of days. I really miss your cooking mom! I'm getting bad withdrawal haha

Matt, what's the deal with your book?? Any updates?

Talk to you all soon!! Love you!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday afternoon at Bob

Hi Julie!

We've been lame on posting to the blog! Sorry but we were wiped out from the hectic week. Anyway we are settled in and still unpacking and organizing a bit. But everything is fine here and sounds like you are having so much fun in Salzburg, the opera, museums, design studios, etc.... The violin maker sounded cool! Illattach some pictures of the house. Basically they put the windows in and did some more of the plumbing rough in. Also they framed the bathroom in the basement and started the electrical rough in. We will meet the electrician on Wednesday to do our first walk through and pick outlet locations and light fixture locations so that should be fun. We also decided to go back to laminate countertops and sinks on the secondary bathrooms. It was going to cost us $4000 todo cultured marble so be bailed on that idea! (sorry but it will be nice don't worry). We did agree to do the pot filler in the kitchen ($1400!!)

What should we do with lights or ceiling and in the great room??

Let's skype tonight. We are all set up to do it. Just text me when you want to do it.

That's all for now. Love you sweetie.


Ps there is one picture of Erin Smiley and the guy that did the closing papers. She is so young!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I always forget these titles!

Hi everyone!

Here I am, in Salzburg! Thought I'd give you all an update on what I'm doing :) And I've been waiting for detailed posts on what you guys are doing with pictures... so chop chop! Haha

So I don't believe I told you about anything that we did yesterday except my morning trip to Starbucks! But after that we realized we had about 45 mins before we had to meet up with our group so we decided to stop by this place called Ring King. It's a shop of a jeweler that were are hoping to get to go to on our trip, but at that time Tate hadn't scheduled it yet. We were worried we may not have time to go so we wanted to go by ourselves to check it out and luckily its about a block from our apartment. So anyways we checked it out and told the man there, Max (he's the owner and designer), that we were with Tate's group and we wanted to come early. He showed us his rings merchandise and they are all so cool! He is a custom designer too so he makes rings, mostly, for his clients and can pretty much make exactly what you want! Anyways of course I found one that I love! And I can't think of a more perfect souvenir from my trip! I won't tell you which one I like (I haven't bought it yet... turns out we are scheduled to meet him on Thursday), so you'll have to wait and see! It's a surprise!

Anyways after that we went to meet up with the group in front of St. Stephens. Tate had a surprise for us! So we went around the back of the building and into this little door and up a couple of stairs and... around the corner.... was more stairs... and more stairs... hahaha okay enough of that! The surprise was that we were going to walk up the spiral staircase to about halfway up the steeple to see out over the whole city of Vienna!!! It was amazing!!!! We could see so far and it was sooo pretty! However walking up and back down was not fun. The steeps were very steep, and in a tight spiral and they were stone so when your going up, if you look up you see the underside of a stone spiral staircase and its only a couple feet above my head. I was definitely getting claustrophobic and nervous. Oh and did I mention? There was 400 steps to the top. Wowwweee! But it was so nice at the top :) There was a little store so you could buy ice water and such in the room at the top (which by the way wasn't all the way at the top but about halfway.

After St. Stephens, we went to meet the violin maker, Cai. He has a last name too but I don't know how to spell it. Anyways that was wayyyyy cool. He has this little shop on the second floor of a building in a small courtyard. The courtyard is actually owned by the monastery around here (don't know what that's called either) and when you stepped into the courtyard literally all the sounds and bustling of the busy streets disappeared and it was completely silent. It was so cool and eerie and holy and many other things haha.

So we went inside and got to talk with Cai for a while. He told us all about how he makes violins and cellos and violas. It was so interesting. He said it takes him 5 months to make each one and they sell for $17,000! He also let us each have a bridge... its the small wooden piece that holds the strings up. He had over 2000 of them so we each got to pick one!

After that Deanna, Christina and me went back to this one bookstore so I could get a book I had my eye on. It's a logos book thats very nice. However I may end up returning it if i want to get the ring. I have to decide. But after that we headed home and just hung out for a little bit until we had to get ready for the Opera! We all met up at Tate's flat before the Opera for h'ordeovres (sp?) and champagne :) And we got a little background on the story. We saw Tosca, it's a tragedy by Puccini. I thought that was really cool too. We had nose bleed seats but we could still see pretty well and it was all in italian, so we had these small screens in front of our seats that would translate it to english for us. Plus it was in the Vienna State Opera House which we pass by everyday and it's beautiful!

Anyways, after the opera, we headed home to pack for Salzburg and get to bed early. Today is Saturday... and I haven't yet told you about Friday, but I have to go because we are starting our second day in Salzburg! I think were going to some museums. I'll try to write more later, maybe one post about the Salzburg trip.

I want to try and skype tonight with you guys! I hope you can have time around dinnertime ish? I'll text you.

xo Julie

P.S. don't text me during the day because if you text me when I don't have wifi, then you will be charged a lot for the text. So just wait for me to text you :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday - almost done packing

Hi! Loved reading your recent posts. So glad you are having lots of fun and seeing cool sights. I was pretty sure you would love it there!
We are almost done here. The guys are loading the truck, the house has been cleaned, the landscapers were here yesterday & cleaned up all the weeds - so things are happening!! The guy is coming later today to deliver the base cabinet I ordered for the pantry. Can't wait to see it. Hope I like it.
Don't buy a camera. I think your iPhone pics are great. I'd rather you spend your $ on art books. :)
Dad will send more pics later.
Love, Mom. xoxo
Hello family! I'm writing a new post from Starbucks on the Graben! That's a road that's like the 5th avenue of Vienna! I was really tired last night so I didn't finish my post about what I've been doing the past few days so i decided to do that now!

So on to what I did yesterday: We met up with our group at 11:15 to go to lunch at another authentic Viennese restaurant. And yet again we were missing 4 people. Gahh. The place we went was called Reinheld, I think. I would equivocate it to a greasy spoon diner in America. But it was good! I had chicken and a knoedel! Haha it's like a dense ball of potato, and it reminded me a little of Turkey Ball Soup! hahahaha but it wasn't gray. Anyways after that we walked to Beethoven's apartment! It's a museum now and we got to walk through it and see cool stuff like his piano and a "death mask" its a cast of his face that they make after a person has died. Creeeepy! But it was cool because he wrote "Fur Elise" there and that's like my favorite piece of classical music!

After Beethoven, we went meet a photographer and graphic designer named Gerhard Rihl. We met him at his flat/office/studio and got to talk with him about his work and see some of his photographs and stuff. The photos were amazing!! They were all pictures of different abandoned places in Vienna and some of the U-Bahn and like bridges and stuff. He made a book out of the pictures and that's how we ended up getting to meet him - Tate found the book in a book store and called him up and got us invited! So he had the books there for us to look at and towards the end of the talk I asked where we could go to buy the book. Gerhard said that they cost 30 euro at a store and his royalties come out to 18 euro per book so he would sell it to us there for 18 euro! So I bought it on the spot!! And he signed it!!!!! Sooooo cool!! I am sooo excited for this book it's so cool I can't wait to show you it!!

We ended up leaving Gerhard's flat and walking around with him and he took us to places where he shot some of the photos, which was really cool! I also got to talk with him about what I'm studying and stuff while we were walking around and he said I could email him and he would send us his new books as they come out! Obvi I'd have to send money but yayay!!! Anyways Tate's going to set up a dinner with him next week sometime with the whole group again which would be so cool! It's really interesting about the people we visit... they all are so eager to meet up with us again and talk with us more and take us here or there or whatever. I feel like that's so different from America, everyone at home is always too busy or has better things to do.

So after we saw the photo locations, me and Christina and Deanna went out to eat and for some reason most of the places we found werr closed or not serving dinner! So we ate at an italian restaurant and our waiter was from italy and spoke to us in italian which was cool. We've been hearing that most people here also are fluent in italian because they all vacation in Italy.

After dinner we rode the U-Bahn to this bar where we were going to meet up with the group to watch the soccer game, but it was so packed and we couldn't get in. While we were waiting in like some guys came up behind me and asked me in german what was going on or something haha so I just looked at them for a while and said "Sprechen sie english" haha and they were like oh okay! Everyone here speaks english pretty much. So we all found out that they weren't going to let any more people in until halftime so we just decided to leave. As were we walking away though the guys were leaving too and they asked us if we wanted to come with them to another bar. And they weren't sketchy because if they were we would have said no, but we said sure! And I realize it could have turned out really bad but luckily they were both really nice and we hung out with them watching the game at a different bar for a few hours. They were teaching us german and we were teaching them english ahha german speaking people can't say the "juh" soung or the "wuh" sound haha so we were trying to get them to learn it haha and we were teaching them american slang ahha anyways it turned out to be perfectly safe although I know I probably should have been a little more cautious. Not everyone in the world is nice and genuine.

Anyways I have to go but today we're going to the Opera and the violin maker so I'll be sure to tell you how that goes! Talk to you later! I love you!